National Civil Defence Cadet Corps
National Civil Defence Cadet Corps (NCDCC)

The National Civil Defence Cadet Corps (NCDCC) was formed in 2005 and the creation of this Uniformed Group was in response to the need for the young leaders of tomorrow to have a firm pillar and grounding in Total Defence. NCDCC is a component of the Home Team Cadet Corps Initiative and has their Headquarters located at the Home Team Academy. The NCDCC Crest closely follows the crest of the parent organisation, Singapore Civil Defence Force (SCDF). The international Civil Defence triangle features prominently in the crest. The equilateral blue triangle symbolizes the three main areas of Civil Defence — fire safety, first aid, and rescue and evacuation.
Ms Syafiqah Begum Binte Ismail Rahim (OIC)
Ms Teo Wei Ling
Mdm Goh Siew Huang
And Volunteer Adult Leaders
In alignment with the aims of our HQ NCDCC and our parent organisation SCDF, NCDCC seeks to nurture and develop our youths into resilient and responsible citizens through innovative and challenging CD activities. It is a choice Uniformed Group (UG) that equips our youths with life-savings skills for challenging times ahead.
Scope of Activities
NCDCC believes in developing and empowering its cadets to become active and concerned citizens with life-saving skills such as basic firefighting, first aid, CPR and AED.
In 2017, NCDCC launched the Specialisation Model to better train and equip cadets with relevant civil defence skills. Under the Specialisation Model, the Secondary 3 cadets are given the choice to specialise in any one of the three tracks – Fire Safety, Medical Support and Urban Search and Rescue. They are encouraged to pursue development in their areas of interest and strengths so that they can prepare themselves to serve the needs of the community.
In the light of the rising threat of terrorism, Singapore has launched the SGSecure Movement as a community response to the terror threat. The NCDCC cadets play a crucial role in actively advocating for greater knowledge of life-saving skills. Through the course of the year, our cadets have participated in many events and competitions such as Precision Drill Challenge, Urban Adventure Civil Defence Challenge (UACDC), Tampines West Community Resilience Day 2023, NCDCC Affirmation Day, NCDCC Parade 2023 and National Day Parade 2023. All these have helped in the development of our cadets’ leadership skills, civil defence knowledge and also forged stronger bonds amongst them.
Year |
Activity |
Achievements |
2023 |
Unit Best Cadet (2023)
SSG Soh Chia Wei |
SCDF-NCDCC Pinnacle Award |
WO Ho Rui Zhi |
SCDF-NCDCC Pinnacle Award |
WO Lee Jordan |
2022 |
Unit Overall Proficiency Award
Distinction |
Unit Best Cadet (2022) |
WO Nur Zahirah Binte Ahmadzahid |
2021 |
Unit Overall Proficiency Award |
2020 |
SCDF-NCDCC Pinnacle Award
WO Manav Kontu |
2019 |
Unit Overall Proficiency Award
Silver |
Unit Best Cadet (2019) |
WO Leong Hao Yi |
SCDF-NCDCC Pinnacle Award |
WO Jerome Keong |
2018 |
SCDF-NCDCC Pinnacle Award |
WO Suriani Zaini Abdullah |
2017 |
Unit Overall Proficiency Award |
2016 |
Unit Overall Proficiency Award |
Bronze |
2015 |
Unit Overall Proficiency Award |
Silver |
Leadership Positions
1. Company Sergeant Major (CSM)
2. Assistant Sergeant Major (ASM)
3. Head of Training
4. Head of Operations
5. Head of Administration
6. Head of Public Relations
7. Head of Logistics
8. Head of Welfare
9. Physical Training Instructor
10. First Aid IC
11. Fire Safety IC