BDS Internationalisation and National Education Development Programme (BIND)**
BDS Internationalisation and National Education Development Programme (BIND) includes twinning programmes with overseas educational institutions, Community Involvement Programmes (OCIP), and learning journeys to various countries. This programme has provided our students with opportunities to interact with people from various parts of the world so that they will be more culturally savvy and attuned to the fast-changing global environment. At the same time, students also enhance interpersonal relationships with their own classmates, peers and teachers.
Please click here for more information on BIND 2023 (Bangkok). Registration for BIND 2023 (Bangkok) will close on 12 July (Wed).
BIND 2014 - 2018
The past BINDers have returned with:
- A sense of appreciation of Singapore and their families
- Greater empathy
- Greater awareness of the world/region