Frequently Asked Questions
Frequently Asked Questions
Questions about the Personal Digital Learning Programme
1. Can my child not purchase the iPad [the prescribed personal learning device (PLD) for Bedok South Secondary School]?
Every student is required to have a PLD for teaching and learning purposes and is encouraged to purchase one through the school via MOE’s bulk tender procured at discounted prices. Students are strongly encouraged to use the PLD model prescribed by the school, as the uniformity of systems and software would ensure a smooth learning experience for everyone. The PLD purchased through the school will come with the necessary warranty and insurance as well. Students who do not wish to purchase the iPad because they already have one will have to check with the school to ascertain whether the specifications of their existing devices meet the schools’ requirements. These existing devices must also be installed with a Device Management Application (DMA) software to provide a safe learning experience for them and to prevent misuse of the devices. The DMA is fully funded by the school and will be uninstalled from the devices when they graduate/leave the school.
2. Do all students in a school have to use the same PLD? What about students who opt out of using the school-selected PLD and wish to use their own? How will this affect their learning?
Students are strongly encouraged to use the PLD model prescribed by the school for a smooth learning experience. If students wish to use their own devices, these devices must meet the necessary specifications stated by the school. They must also be willing to allow the school to install a DMA software (reset to factory setting is required for iPads) to provide a safe learning experience for them and to prevent misuse of the devices.
3. Can students share one PLD with their siblings?
For a smooth learning experience, it is strongly encouraged that each student has his/her own PLD as prescribed by the school. This is because different schools may tap on specific PLD for teaching and learning. In addition, the student will be required to use the PLD in school daily and for their learning after school, hence it might not be practical to share the PLD with their siblings.
4. Is the price of the iPad similar or lower than market prices?
The prices are similar or in most cases, lower than market prices (including software/technical support, warranty and insurance). MOE has a process to review the prices with contractors to keep the prices competitive.
5. Will the PLD and SLS resources replace textbooks?
The PLD allows students to access curriculum-aligned resources in the SLS in and out of class at their own pace to complement their learning. The PLD and SLS resources will not fully replace textbooks as textbooks are currently designed as curriculum-aligned reference for students.
6. How frequently will the PLD be used in class? Is there a recommended limit to screen time in class?
There is no recommended screen time as it depends very much on the nature of the lesson. Schools will design their learning programmes to ensure that the students’ use of PLDs is balanced in relation to other activities and modes of learning. All PLDs will be installed with DMA, which allows teachers to manage students’ screen time if they so desire. Teachers will also continue to ensure that the amount of assignments set (both online and offline) is guided by the school’s homework policy.
Questions about the Personal Learning Device (PLD)
7. Does my child/ward need to bring a charger to school?
There is no need to bring a charger to school. The battery of a fully charged PLD will be sufficient for a typical day of school activities. Students are reminded to charge their PLD and Apple Pencil before bringing it to school.
8. What is the expected shelf life of the PLD? What happens to the PLD after the student graduates?
The PLDs have an average shelf life of 3-4 years, to cover the time a student is in a secondary school. The school will uninstall the Device Management Application (DMA) from the PLDs upon students’ graduation, and students will have full control over their PLDs afterward.
Questions about the Warranty, Insurance and Security
9. What is covered by the insurance?
The PLD will come with a 3-year warranty and insurance coverage allowing for claims of two repairs or one replacement.
The following events are covered by insurance:
● Fire
● Lightning
● Power Surges
● Accidental e.g. water spillage, drop
● Theft due to forcible entry
● Robbery
10. What happens if the device is stolen/lost?
The insurance coverage is only applicable to situations of damages and loss where the student has taken all necessary precautions to safeguard the PLD. A police report will need to be made for the insurance claim.
11. Does a police report need to be made if a student loses his/her PLD due to negligence?
Accidental loss due to negligence in not covered by insurance and a new PLD will need to be purchased by the parents/student. The school will assist in purchasing a replacement PLD.
12. What if the PLD is faulty?
Technical support will be provided to students through:
- The courier service by vendor to collect damaged devices from school fortnightly
- Apple Service Centres
13. What happens if students damage their PLD accidentally?
If the PLD is damaged, the parents/student can report it to the school. The school will coordinate with the vendor on the assessment of damage and repairs. If there are additional costs incurred, the vendor will contact the parents/student before proceeding with the repair. All additional costs for repairs will be borne by the parents/student if not covered by insurance.
Edusave funds cannot be used to pay for the cost of repairs.
If the device is damaged beyond economical repair and is not covered by insurance (e.g. when negligence is involved), the replacement device will have to be paid for by the parents/student.
14. Would it not be better if the devices could be insured/have a warranty period of 4 years as a standard?
Extended warranty beyond 3 years for computing devices is not available in the open market. It would be very costly to incorporate such a requirement and it makes more economical sense to replace the device when it is beyond economical repair after 3 years.
15. Where will students store their iPads when they go for recess or PE lessons? Will students be allowed to store the iPads in school overnight?
The school will install lockers for students to store their iPads. Students are expected to secure their iPads in the lockers when they are away from their classrooms. Students should bring home the iPads at the end of the school day so that they can utilise the iPads for learning at home as well as to charge them for use the next day.
Questions about the Device Management Application (DMA) and Data Protection
16. Is it necessary to install the DMA?
DMA software will be installed on students’ PLD to provide a safe learning experience and to prevent misuse of the PLD. The DMA will be uninstalled from the PLD when the student graduates/leaves the school.
17. Who manages the parental control for DMA?
The parent/guardian of the student will manage parental control. The school may structure control of device management such that parental control is enabled after school hours, during weekends and school holidays. However, parents will not be able to override the base set of device management rules (e.g. restriction of sites) set by the school.
18. Will the PLDs be programmed to disallow students from downloading games?
As part of user management, DMA can determine the appropriate teaching and learning applications as well as security patches, to be installed into every student’s PLD. For example, inappropriate websites as well as gaming and gaming websites or applications can be restricted (through either whitelisting or blacklisting). The school will have the discretion, in the interests of their students, to decide what applications and websites to enable/disable.
19. How will my child/ward’s data be used in the IT Applications in PLD?
Students’ personal data (e.g., Name, NRIC Number and Class) will be used to set up MOE based user accounts such as MIMS. These data will be used for purposes such as authenticating user identity, troubleshooting and facilitating systems improvements. For whitelisted (approved) applications that are commercially owned, the collection, use and disclosure of data are governed by the commercial provider’s terms and conditions. Further details can be found here:
- MOE Identity Management System (MIMS):
- Microsoft Pro Plus:
20. Where will the data collected by DMA and IT Applications for NDLP be stored?
All user data which is collected by MOE will be stored in secure servers managed by the respective vendors of our systems. The Government has put in place strong personal data protection laws and policies to safeguard sensitive data collected by public agencies such as MOE. Please refer to this website for more information on these laws and policies:
Questions about Edusave, Subsidies and Payment
21. Can students use their Edusave Fund to purchase PLDs from vendors not engaged by the school?
Edusave fund can only be used for purchases facilitated by the school through MOE’s bulk tender.
22. Can Edusave be used to pay for purchase of accessories/peripherals for the PLD?
Edusave can only be purchased for accessories/peripherals that are bundled with the initial PLD. Edusave cannot be used for individual’s purchase of optional accessories / peripherals from the vendor.
23. For students whose parents do not want schools to deduct their Edusave for the purchase of PLDs, can they pay cash instead?
It is compulsory for all MOE FAS students to use their Edusave to purchase the PLDs. This authorization is already covered in the FAS application form.
School-Based FAS students are strongly encouraged to sign up for the PDLP Standing Order for use of Edusave (Singapore Citizen only) so as to minimize the cash outlay.
For students who are Singapore Citizen and not under MOE FAS or School Based FAS, parents are encouraged to use Edusave and pay any outstanding amount through SingPost SAM/SingPost SAM mobile app/cash upon receiving the school bill. Parents opting to pay cash and are onboard GIRO should ensure sufficient amount in their bank account.
24. I require financial assistance for the purchase of the PLD. How can I apply?
Subsidies are available for students who require financial assistance to purchase a PLD. Students under the MOE or School-based Financial Assistance Scheme for the year will automatically be subsidized for the PLD. Students who are currently not on either the MOE or School-based Financial Assistance Scheme may approach the school’s General Office to apply for subsidy if their Gross Household Income (GHI) is $4,000 or less, or Per Capita Income (PCI) is $1,000 or less.
“PCI” refers to the Gross Household Income divided by the total number of family members in the household.