Student Leadership
Student Leadership
Student Leadership Mission
The Student Leadership Programme in Bedok South Secondary School aims
to nurture our students to be self-motivated, responsible, self-reliant,
and thinking individuals who can serve and contribute effectively to society
and face all challenges with courage and confidence. The committee develops
student leaders through school wide programmes and through specific skills
training at every level towards holistic and balanced participation. Students
in Bedok South Secondary School have an opportunity to get basic leadership
skills and grow as leaders. Tiered programmes are designed to develop student
leaders to develop leaders of tomorrow who will serve with conviction.
Student Leadership Framework
The Student Leadership Framework sets a hierarchy for all Student Leaders
in the School. All students undergo the Tier 1 training done during CCE
lessons and Assembly Programmes. Tier 2 Leaders hold appointments and undergo
training specific to their roles and responsibilities. Tier 3 Leaders hold
responsibilities beyond their classrooms and CCA. They may be engaged in
Student Initiated Projects that benefit the school and the community. The
framework adopts the Kouzes and Posner Model for Leadership Values and
builds on the school’s ICARE values as well.

The Kouzes and Posner Model
The school adopts the 5 Leadership Challenges of the Kouzes and Posner

Student Leadership Tiers (Recognition)
The school has different themes for different Tiers and Levels. The Tiers framework sets a way to map their achievements and chart their leadership progress as the advance from level to level.
The Four Leadership Roles
The Student Leaders comprises of the Prefects, Peer Support Leaders, Class Committee Leaders and CCA Leaders.

The Prefectorial Board
The prefectorial board strives to develop the school culture anchored
by the school’s ICARE values. As the bridge of communication for the student
body to the school leaders and teachers, they assist in the planning and
execution of key programmes that develop the school identity and sense
of pride amongst the students. The prefectorial board also works very closely
with the school management team in fostering a disciplined Bedok South
community that is rooted by the school core values.
The Peer Support Leaders
The Peer Support Leaders (PSLs) play an important leading role in creating
an inclusive schooling environment to help their peers feel safe, accepted,
connected, and empowered through strong peer relationships. They strive
to build and strengthen positive peer relationships through peer bonding,
peer helping, and peer influencing.
The Class Leaders
The Class Leaders play an important part in the school. They are the first
touchpoint the Student Leaders have with the students. Class leaders often
serve as a bridge of communication between students and teachers. They
are role models for their peers, demonstrating good behavior, responsibility,
and a strong work ethic. They also oversee some initiatives to help students
manage stress and maintain good mental health. In the digital age, class
leaders also play a role in educating their peers about online safety,
responsible internet use, and cyberbullying prevention.
CCA Leaders
The CCA leaders are managed by the CCA teachers in-charge. They include
Captains of Sports, Sergeant Majors of Uniform Groups and President and
Chairpersons of Performing Arts and Clubs/Societies. EXCOs of each CCA
also play a part in the CCA Leadership. Each CCA group is led by its teachers
and respective CCA Coordinators.
CCA Coordinator: Mr. Mohd. Azman (SH CCA)
The Student Leadership Committee (Teachers)
Designation |
Name |
Ms Dichen Grace Isaacs |
KPs |
Mr Tan Teck Joo |
Mr Mohd Azman |
Members |
Ms Tan Wan Ning |
Ms Siti Fatimah |
Ms Tan Xin Yi Cherlyn |
Mdm Surimah Binte Selamat |
Ms Srividya Nair |
Ms Raudhah Md Khirruden |
Mr Nordin Bin Hassan |
Ms Teo Wei Ling |